
Bargaining unit: A specified group of employees, represented by a union, empowered to bargain collectively with their employer.

CalArts United (CU-UAW): An organization of CalArts faculty and staff who are seeking to form a union at CalArts, represented by UAW.

CBA / Collective bargaining agreement: An agreement reached through direct negotiations between a union and an employer. A CBA typically determines wages and other conditions of employment.

Core fees: Fees paid by a union-represented employee who chooses not to join the union as a dues-paying member. Core fees cover the costs of of core union services, such as collective bargaining and grievance processing. 

NLRA / National Labor Relations Act: Passed by Congress in 1935, the NLRA is a law that protects the rights of private sector employees to form, join, or assist a union and engage in collective bargaining, among other things. More

NLRB / National Labor Relations Board: An independent federal agency charged with administering the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA). The NLRB conducts union elections, prosecutes violations of the NLRA (unfair labor practices), and issues case decisions interpreting the NLRA. The NLRB is made up of five members who are political appointees, typically with three members from the party in power and two from the minority party. More

UAW: The International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, the union CalArts United has chosen to potentially represent CalArts employees. More

Union: An organization that serves as a representative for a group of employees. A union engages in formal negotiations with an employer on a periodic basis to establish the terms and conditions of employment, such as length of appointment terms, salaries, and benefits. A union typically charges its members dues for providing this service.

Vote under challenge: Individuals whose eligibility to vote is contested between CalArts and the union will vote in a union election “under challenge,” and the NLRB will determine at a later date whether they should be included in the bargaining unit. 

Most definitions from NLRB