This afternoon, CalArts’ president, general counsel, and chief of staff (representing the Institute) met with several representatives of CalArts United-UAW, at CU-UAW’s request, to discuss the unionization process.
During the meeting, CalArts reiterated that it respects its employees’ right to organize and believes the best way to ensure a fair process, in which each employee may freely express their choice, is through a secret-ballot election conducted by the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). The two groups discussed the timing of such an election, agreeing that it should take place after the winter break when faculty and staff are back on campus.
CU-UAW stated that they would like a single bargaining unit representing all faculty and staff. CalArts stated that, given the vast differences in the nature of the work performed by faculty and staff, it would be more appropriate for there to be at least two separate units, one for faculty and one for staff, and that the Institute would like to work with UAW on proposing appropriate units.
CalArts also discussed that it may challenge the inclusion of supervisors in the bargaining unit/s. CU-UAW expressed concern that this might delay or obstruct the election. CalArts noted that an election could still go forward with certain employees voting under challenge. In that case, those in challenged positions would still be able to vote, and the NLRB would determine later whether or not those employees would be included in the bargaining unit/s and their votes counted.
Both groups discussed their mutual desire for a collaborative process.